27 Nov 2011

Computer Dictionary

B & W (Black and White)
Display an object in black and white only. In Lotus 123, this command will return the graph to be colored black and white charts again.
Main line (high frequency) communications on computer network systems.
backbone Network
The main connection system from a distributed network with a hierarchical structure.
Color or image which is structured to create the effect of background in Web pages.
Back Orifice
Program developed and released by The Cult of the Dead Cow (CDC). Back Orifice is a remote tool admnistration, but its existence could be misused for negative things. If dimanpaatkan a hacker, so he could take over full control over the victim's computer. In addition, back orifice can also be used to steal data and e-mail from the victim's computer. This program is extensible programs that can be changed and developed at any time.
backing Storage
The tool reservoir data in a computer shelf capability greater than the primary data storage, but has a lower speed.
backoff Delay
The length of the waiting time of a medium acces control in a network terminal in the form of CSMA / CD, before shipping back a frame after the occurrence of a collision.
A panel in which a circuit board in a piece of equipment plug is inserted; including all cables interconnecting circuits.

Keyboard key symbol '\'; button is often used when working with directories.
Keyboard key symbol '
��' which is located above the Enter key. Function to delete a character before the current cursor.
Copies of program files or data files that are made to provide assurance that the data are not lost or erased if something happened to the original file.
Backus Normal Form (BNF)
A formal notation used to define the syntax of a computer language.
Backward Supervision
Supervisory signal in the transmission data transmitted from a terminal to terminal parent helper.
Bad Block Table
A list of the disk that contains the location of blocks in the disk is damaged and can not be used to store data. Often called the media detect line.
Balance Error
Voltage errors resulting from the sum of the analog in the analog computer and directly proportional to the fault.
Balanced Error
Boundary fault tolerance between minimal and maximal acceptable error. Generally valued the same or opposite sign (positive and negative), mostly zero.
Balanced Transmission
Method of transmission by sending a signal to the form of electrical current to be transmitted through a conductor. The signal will then be returned by a different conductor.
Transmission capacity of a network connection such as electronic communications, computers and computer bus channel. Commonly denoted by the bits per second or Hertz. If written in Hertz, then the number be greater than if written in bits per second. For example, when written in bits per second is 64 Kbps, which means it is 64 kilobits per second or 8 kilobytes per second. It is typically used to measure the speed of the Internet we're using. Note 1Bytes = 8 bits
Bang Path
A collection of name of the tools used to redirect e-mails from users to other users.
The part that does not move in a Web document scrollbar even if we roll up to the end of the document. Now this is just Internet Explorer that supports the command banner.
Bar Code
Numeric characters are displayed in the form of beams with various thicknesses.
Bar Code Scanner
Tool capable of reading bar code blocks into alphanumeric form.
BASCOM (Basic Compiler)
Program that translates a BASIC program ends. BAS into the file. EXE executable.


The basis of the number system, is the number of digits that can be displayed within a system. For example the decimal system is the basis of ten, the basis of the binary system is two, the basis of the system are eight octal, hexadecimal system is the basis of sixteen, and so on.
Base Band

Bash (Bourne Shell Againt)
Such canals are using communication lines carry only one signal at a time. For example the use of telephone lines as a means of sending data between computers that are located far from each other.
Shell used in Unix and Linux klonenya like. Bash is a shell that is used as the default shell by RedHat Linux. It is characterized by symbolic links in directory sh used to run the bash shell. http://www.gnu.org/manual/bash-2.02/

Programming language that runs under the DOS operating system, designed for use by novice programmers of interactive terminals. BASIC version was different, among others BASICA, from Borland's Turbo Basic and Quick Basic from Microsoft.

Basic Access Method
An access method in which each input or output statement causes the machine to the destination can execute the command in question.

Basic Encoding Rules
A number of standard rules for encoding data units passed.

Basic Instruction
Commands in a computer program that changed regularly by the program to obtain the instruction to be executed at this time.

Basic Linkage
Tools to connect with the regular routine or other program and can be used continuously by the same rules.

Basic Mode
Data delivery model that allows operations did not use ANSI control characters.

Basic Software

Software made by hardware manufacturers to assist with data processing hardware is concerned.

A number of records or data that are combined and processed in such a way into a single unit.

Batch File
Is the batch files with suffix. BAT that can be invoked via the DOS as well as files ending in. EXE or. COM.

Batch ProcessingData processing by means piling work and will be done at once. Batch processing is the best way to take advantage of computer time. However, to develop a computer program, how to batch is very inefficient.

Batch Total
The total number of a quantity within a batch. The total batch is used to determine the accuracy of a batch operations.

CMOS Battery
This battery serves to provide power to the motherboard to recognize the installed configuration, when he did not or do not get power from the power supply.

Unit speed digital signals, which limits are used to indicate the level of data transmission speed. Usually measured in bits per second.

Baud Rate
The number of bits (binary digits) that can be sent by a computer per second.

BBS (Bulletin Board Service)
A computer services that can be accessed with a modem, typically managed by a company or distributor that uses two-way communication between the computer, to record the data and the functions or programs, for the purpose of question period and access to receive and disseminate information and announcements companies and so on.

BCC (Block Check Character)
A special character contained in each block is formed from bits of the test in the process of transmission error detection by the LRC technique.

BCD (Binary Coded Decimal)
A password system is commonly used to represent decimal numbers in digital.

BCS (Block Check Sequence)

End of the contents of a row of bits of shift register; used to perform error checking on data transmission between computers.

A condition that arises when an error condition is found. These conditions prevent the occurrence of communication throughout the state of error has not been resolved.

The sound that comes through the computer speakers, generally indicates an error in the program is running. Beep can be added in a program created by inserting the ASCII code 7.

Beep code
A form of symbols that serve to describe or represent something. For example, most computers use ASCII codes to represent characters.

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