10 Des 2011

Low Calorie Diet - Cure Diabetes

Health experts reveal a simple new way to cure diabetes. It is said that low-calorie diet is the key to banish disease type 2 diabetes. This low-calorie foods even improve body condition is better than medicine physician.

Researchers from the Department of Radiology at the Leiden University Medical Centre The Netherlands revealed that the 'waste' high-calorie foods and eat healthy foods in just four months can cure type 2 diabetes suffered by patients.

Diabetes Type 2 diabetes is most common. According to the website Australian diabetes, this type experienced by 85-90 per cent of people with diabetes. This disease usually attacks older people with age above 45 years. But from day to day, more and more young people and even children who develop type 2 diabetes is

According to the latest findings, the patients who consume low-calorie diet for 16 weeks showed improvement of health conditions that significantly reduces the use of insulin. Therefore, the scientists hope that the findings also mean the use of insulin for diabetes patients no longer needed. Because cardiac function will increase due to the reduced number of dangerous fat around the heart.

"It is encouraging low-calorie foods are effectively treating type 2 diabetes," said Dr. Sebastian Hammer which conducted the study as quoted by the Huffington Post website, issue of 29 November 2011.

Added by Dr. Hammer, changing one's lifestyle also proved beneficial to improve their heart function rather than taking drugs.

In Britain, about 2.9 million people have diabetes, up 130 thousand cases since 2010. Type 2 diabetes includes 90 percent of diabetes cases overall. The scientists hope that their findings could help people with diabetes and help reduce the decline in the use of insulin.

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