10 Des 2011

Health Benefits of Yogurt for Shocking

Yogurt is milk that is made by fermentation of bacteria and can be made from any milk, even soy milk. Yogurt contains probiotics, good bacteria that help the digestive process. Not only tasty, it turns out yogurt also has other benefits that are rarely known.
Rejuvenating facial

No need for the expensive cost of caring for the skin to look perfect. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which is a component in prenting chemicals for skin replacement.

"Exfoliation can clean the top layer of skin blemishes and cause discoloration, and even can reduce fine wrinkles," says dermatologist, Hema Sundaram, MD.

The trick is simple: Combine 1 cup of Greek yogurt with 2-3 drops of almond oil or olive oil and a tablespoon of honey. Apply to face and leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse and dry. The result, will face more radiant skin

Environmentally friendly cleaning
"Furnishing of shiny brass can re-use yoghurt. Lactic acid is also eroding dirt work," says environmental expert, Annie Bond, author of "Better Basics for the Home '.

To make things look new again brass, use cleaning techniques that are taught Ms. Bond. Wipe all parts with a damp cloth, then pour a few tablespoons of yogurt into a clean cloth and rub into the surface of the furniture until shiny.

Wipe the remaining yogurt, wash with soap and hot water, and kilapkan with a clean cloth to see how the glossy brass furniture.

Helps digestion
"Yogurt can help stomach problems. Probiotics (beneficial bacteria) contained in some yogurt to balance the microflora in the intestines and can help with digestion and keeps your body fit," says Robin Plotkin, RD, culinary expert and nutritionist.

To receive benefits, make sure the yogurt contains at least one billion colony forming units (colony-forming units or CFUs) of probiotics alive. This information is usually available at these sites Yogurt famous brands.

Keep the heart healthy
"Yogurt is also good for the heart because the low-fat, even fat-free. Eat can help lower the risk of developing high blood pressure," said Alvaro Alonso, MD, PhD, professor at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health.

Specific proteins in milk regulate blood pressure, levels of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and blood pressure-lowering effects.

Pregnant Women Need to Drink Antibiotics Carefully

If it is not necessary true, pregnant women should limit their consumption of drugs, particularly antibiotics that can harm fetal growth and development. The most crucial period to watch is during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Quinolone antibiotic drug class of pregnant women must be avoided because the potential to cause disability. "This antibiotic works to inhibit the formation of the cell nucleus. When consumed during pregnancy can cause fetal bone growth," said dr.Tonny Loho, a specialist in clinical pathology from the RSCM Jakarta.

Bone disorder that is often experienced by babies as a result of this antibiotic is the disruption of bone growth so that children at risk for short. Another risk is not to close the plague back (spina bifida).

Tony explains, the early period of pregnancy is important because it occurs during the formation of organs and fetuses are particularly vulnerable to what is consumed by his mother.

"Unfortunately, most women realize her pregnancy after 2-4 weeks after conception so that they feel are still free to take medicine," said the lecturer of the Department of Clinical Pathology divisions infection Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in the seminar Current Treatment of Infection Cases in order to celebrate the anniversary of the Pondok Indah Hospital which to-21 in Jakarta some time ago.

To prevent the adverse effects of drug consumption-obotan, Tonny suggested that every woman who was planning to become pregnant tell your doctor if you get a prescription drug.

Quinolone class of antibiotics, among others spirofloksasin, ofloxacin, moxifloxacin, or levofloxacin. Usually to treat urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal infections, lower respiratory tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, as well as soft tissue and bone infections.

In addition to pregnant women, infants and children is also not advisable to get this antibiotic. "At least until the teen-age children because usually at this age their bones are growing up. In infants and children, antibiotics are only given if other drugs are ineffective," he explained.

5 Things Not to Know about Heart

Coronary heart disease is heart disease that is often encountered in around the world. The main cause is lifestyle changes, especially those living in big cities. There are some shocking things that may never be aware of the existence of previously associated heart disease. Here are six things in between.

1. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women

Heart disease is considered as a disease of men. In fact, menopausal women have the same risk. "Risk factors for women and men alike. Included in those who experience problems of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking, and family history of heart disease," explains Dr. Beth Abramson, a cardiologist at Toronto's St. Michael's Hospital.

2. 50-80 percent of heart disease can be prevented

"It's never too late, or too fast to make lifestyle changes.
Many ways to prevent heart disease by controlling risk factors, "says Dr. Abramson.

Abramson said, a simple way to prevent heart attacks could begin by trying to keep the blood pressure remained normal and routine checks of blood pressure regularly.

Make lifestyle changes can also reduce the risk of heart attack. How, by eating a healthy diet, limiting alcohol consumption, not smoking, lowering cholesterol, manage weight, and avoiding stress.

3. Birth control pills increase women's risk of heart disease

Contraception, like birth control pills in general, is safe for most women. However, those who smoked while using hormonal contraceptives have a higher risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and blood clots.

4. Post-menopause, the risk of heart disease increases

Menopause, women will experience a condition where there is elevated levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, and decreased HDL (good cholesterol). Decrease in estrogen can also increase body fat around the waist.

"The problem is really on belly fat. Fat in the stomach has been associated with the risk of inflammation and high cholesterol," says Dr. Abramson. Hormonal changes also have a detrimental effect on the formation of blood clots, and affect the way the body handles sugar-which can lead to diabetes.

5. Consuming alcohol increases the risk of heart disease

Drinking too much alcohol can increase blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease and stroke. "There are studies showing that alcohol consumption has a protective effect against heart disease even if only slightly. However, these studies involved people with good health condition, and we do not recommend you to do so if you're really not in a fit condition," he said.

Low Calorie Diet - Cure Diabetes

Health experts reveal a simple new way to cure diabetes. It is said that low-calorie diet is the key to banish disease type 2 diabetes. This low-calorie foods even improve body condition is better than medicine physician.

Researchers from the Department of Radiology at the Leiden University Medical Centre The Netherlands revealed that the 'waste' high-calorie foods and eat healthy foods in just four months can cure type 2 diabetes suffered by patients.

Diabetes Type 2 diabetes is most common. According to the website Australian diabetes, this type experienced by 85-90 per cent of people with diabetes. This disease usually attacks older people with age above 45 years. But from day to day, more and more young people and even children who develop type 2 diabetes is

According to the latest findings, the patients who consume low-calorie diet for 16 weeks showed improvement of health conditions that significantly reduces the use of insulin. Therefore, the scientists hope that the findings also mean the use of insulin for diabetes patients no longer needed. Because cardiac function will increase due to the reduced number of dangerous fat around the heart.

"It is encouraging low-calorie foods are effectively treating type 2 diabetes," said Dr. Sebastian Hammer which conducted the study as quoted by the Huffington Post website, issue of 29 November 2011.

Added by Dr. Hammer, changing one's lifestyle also proved beneficial to improve their heart function rather than taking drugs.

In Britain, about 2.9 million people have diabetes, up 130 thousand cases since 2010. Type 2 diabetes includes 90 percent of diabetes cases overall. The scientists hope that their findings could help people with diabetes and help reduce the decline in the use of insulin.

Healthy at Fast Food

Despite its proven many negative side, we often can not avoid fast food. Time is the most frequently used as an excuse. The American Diabetes Association offers a rather healthy food choices, when forced to eat fast food:

-Use common portion or portions for children only. Do not be tempted by the jumbo, super size, or luxury.

-Select chicken meat in thin slices of roast, avoiding beef.
-Reject extra biscuit or croissant.

-Choose a fresh salad without heavy sauces, avoid croutons or small pieces of bread are baked, sliced ​​bacon or cheese.

-Choose pizza with thin bread and toppings without a little extra cheese.

This 5 Foods It Make You Younger

Living without a cigarette and wearing sunscreen cream is enough to help you to have healthier skin. But the real secret to getting healthy and beautiful skin is the food that goes into your body.

"The wrong choice can cause inflammation of the skin cells," says dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, who also wrote the book Forever Young. This book provides information, by choosing the right one can make you look younger than actual age.

"While you can not see the impact, the inflammation causes the skin to wrinkle, sag, as well as premature aging," he continued. Excerpted from the pages of Details, here are 5 kinds of good food to make you look younger.

1. Sweet
Beta-carotene, which gives a yellowish orange color on the sweet, useful for balancing the pH levels in the skin, prevent dryness, and encourage the change of skin. All that will make your skin become smoother.

2. Salmon
Astaxantin, the pigment that makes salmon pink is the strongest enemy to counteract free radicals. That is bad molecules that can damage cell membranes and DNA, making the skin look dull and premature aging. A study shows at least once every five days eating salmon can prevent actinic keratosis, a file that is too bad and rough early signs of cancer.

3. Tomatoes
Lycopene, the pigment that gives the red color in tomatoes, is a good antioxidant to ward off skin damage caused by the sun, like a sunscreen cream, but it works from the inside out. To get a better job, eating tomatoes with olive oil.

4. Orange
Vitamin C contained in citrus produce collagen, an important component to look younger, which produced collagen usually stops when more than 20 years of age. In addition it also contains citrus bioflavonoids that protect the skin from the sun and prevent skin cell death.

5. Greens
Spinach, kale and other green vegetables contain lutein, which protects the skin from the sun that cause inflammation and wrinkles.

27 Nov 2011

Computer Dictionary

B & W (Black and White)
Display an object in black and white only. In Lotus 123, this command will return the graph to be colored black and white charts again.
Main line (high frequency) communications on computer network systems.
backbone Network
The main connection system from a distributed network with a hierarchical structure.
Color or image which is structured to create the effect of background in Web pages.
Back Orifice
Program developed and released by The Cult of the Dead Cow (CDC). Back Orifice is a remote tool admnistration, but its existence could be misused for negative things. If dimanpaatkan a hacker, so he could take over full control over the victim's computer. In addition, back orifice can also be used to steal data and e-mail from the victim's computer. This program is extensible programs that can be changed and developed at any time.
backing Storage
The tool reservoir data in a computer shelf capability greater than the primary data storage, but has a lower speed.
backoff Delay
The length of the waiting time of a medium acces control in a network terminal in the form of CSMA / CD, before shipping back a frame after the occurrence of a collision.

25 Nov 2011

Computer Dictionary

ABEND (abnormal end)
Termination of a program or process that is not normally caused by the occurrence of errors of data input by the user or program crashes.

(Application Binary Interface)

Pemafaran hardware specifications and operating system being used.


GNOME Office applications for word processing (word processing). AbiWord is classified in one of the open source software that is licensed with the GNU GPL (General Public License). Because it can be used freely as well as make modifications as needed.


Command to cancel the course of a program by force and return to the operating system.


Activities take or store data from or to memory or to disk drives.


Way to set the buttons, voice, appearance and so forth on the Windows operating system.

Tips on caring for the monitor screen

Different with the other monitor screen notebooks require extra care,

Here are some tips on caring for Notebook screen:

1. Always close the notebook when not in use, if necessary use anti-dust coating or input into a notebook bag.
2. Do not let alone touch-screen notebook with a sharp object.
3. Never spray cleaning fluid on-screen notebook.
4. When the notebook is closed not to Notebook under pressure from heavy objects.

24 Nov 2011

Setting Modem Sanex SA 5100

1. Open the browser
2. Type in the browser that displays the login page as shown below and enter the username "admin" and password "admin" and press the [OK]

Login to the web configuration